Mock Writing

image of crossed polearmsWelcome to the newly-reborn, home of tragically-unpublished writer Michael Mock: father, husband, necromancer, and evil overlord. My writing (and most of my brain, if we’re being honest) falls into the realms of Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Horror. I have a wife, two boys, one dog, and a massive case of ADHD; writing has always helped me focus.

My social media is currently in a state of complete higgledy-piggledy, but I regularly add content to the Blog o’ Doom. I used to be active on Twitter, but after the change in management I basically abandoned it. I’m still around on Tumblr, but it sounds like it may not be long for this world either. I’m on Mastodon, but I’m not very active at present, and the same can be said for Dreamwidth. Hopefully adding those links here will encourage me to be more active.

I’m currently working on at least three books, all different flavors of dark fantasy. If you want to help… send whiskey?